08 June, 2019
Galatians #70 (6:18) Grace Be With Your Spirit Look at how Paul closes his letter to the Galatians: “The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit, brothers.” Notice that grace is internal...WITH YOUR SPIRIT. This is in contrast to the Law of Moses, which is external. Law remains outside and requires us to change, punishing us with guilt and shame if we do not. Guilt and shame stay with our spirit. Grace enters and transforms us from the inside out. It removes guilt and shame, replacing them with love, forgiveness, and peace. Whose grace enters and changes us? It is the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. What is his grace? Paul writes about the grace of Jesus throughout his letter to the Galatians. He summarizes grace in Galatians 2:21: “I do not set aside the grace of God. For if righteousness comes through the law, Christ died for nothing.” Grace is everything God did for us in Jesus to make us righteous. Righteous is b
27 May, 2019
Apakah kita sudah diampuni?
Inilah yang Alkitab katakan....
* Kel 23:21, 32:31-35
* Im 4-6, 19:20-22
* Bil 15:22-28
* Ul 29:18-20
* 2 Taw 6:19-39, 7:14
* Mat 6:12,14, 18:35
* Mrk 11:25-26
* Kis 13:38, 26:18
* Roma 4:7
* 2 Kor 5:18-19
* Ef 1:7
* Kol 1:14, 2:13
* Ibr 9:12,26, 10:10-12
* 1 Yoh 2:12
Sebelum salib Kristus, pengampunan Allah itu tergantung pada kinerja Anda (pertobatan Anda, pengakuan Anda, dan pengampunan Anda kepada orang lain). Tapi sekarang Anda sudah ditebus, sudah diperdamaikan, sudah dibersihkan dan sudah didekatkan [kepada Allah] oleh darah Anak Domba!
"melalui Yesus ini berita tentang pengampunan dosa diberitakan kepadamu." (Kisah 13:38)
God is Love
There is no fear/guilt/pressure/compulsion from God.
He never tells you to "do/be" anything because He loves you the way you are !!
He loves you no matter who/what you are,
no matter what/why you've done/doing anything!
LOVE keeps no record of our deeds.
LOVE does not remember sins.
God is LOVE.
He is not the judge who measures faith/works/prayer/etc....
He loves us because He is love.
It has nothing to do with our efforts.
Daddy God accepts us in all our human flaws because He created us that way. He did not create us as humans and then turn around and judge us for being imperfect !!
Why can't people see this ??
A perfect God will never judge imperfect human beings!
He sees us as flawless because we are in Christ and He is flawless.
Jesus is our perfection and righteousness.
God became a man through Jesus so that He could take away our sins and make us righteous forever!
There is no pressure on us because Daddy God did everything for us in Jesus' finished work
- this is how much He truly loves us.
24 May, 2019
Title: Faith Note: THE HAPPY ENDING We all love a happy ending in the movies that we watch and books that we read. But in the case of religion, we see that there's a big difference: it's heaven vs hell. It portrays a horrible ending when God supposedly sends many people to hell forever if they don't believe in Jesus. But I want to tell you that the good news – there is a happy ending in Daddy God's love. Thanks to the finished work of Jesus Christ, all of humanity will go to heaven. The question that arises is – Will those who reject Christ go to heaven? Will criminals go to heaven? But we need to clarify two major ideas here: 1) Jesus is greater than Adam: Religion tells us that we are sinners because of Adam's sin that condemned all of humanity. But did you and I have any choice in Adam's actions? Did Adam ask us permission to do that? In the same way I want to tell you that Jesus Christ's finished work has made all of humanity righteous without our choice or permission. Romans 5 "18 Consequently, just as one trespass resulted in condemnation for all people, so also one righteous act resulted in justification and life for all people. 19 For just as through the disobedience of the one man the many were made sinners, so also through the obedience of the one man the many will be made righteous." 1st Corinthians 15 " 21 For since death came through a man, the resurrection of the dead comes also through a man. 22 For as in Adam all die, so in Christ all will be made alive……45 So it is written: "The first man Adam became a living being"; the last Adam, a life-giving spirit." When God created Adam, he was not perfect or immortal. He was made in flesh and blood and was imperfect and could not live forever. That's why God gave Adam access to the free gift of the tree of life so that he could live forever. But Adam's sin was to condemn himself by knowing good and evil – which was the foreshadow of the law (Romans 7, Genesis 3). When Adam ate from the tree of the law, he knew his own imperfections/nakedness and was barred from eating from the tree of life. He was condemned with spiritual death. But now Jesus Christ came as the last Adam as a life-giving Spirit. Just as Adam's sin condemned all of humanity, Christ's finished work has made all of us righteous. Jesus was the last Adam and He perfectly fulfilled the law so that the tree of life is now available to all people (Revelation 22). Christ's work is far more powerful than Adam because Jesus was not a mere mortal like Adam but Jesus Christ is God almighty who appeared in the flesh. How can a mere mortal's actions be greater than God's perfect love? It's impossible and that's why I believe that Jesus has done the work to take all people to heaven. 2) The Biblical faith does not exist today: The common belief is that unbelievers and criminals will not go to heaven. But this is because most people think that their faith and devotion to Christ will take them to heaven. I will demonstrate to you that NOBODY believes or follows Christ today. The Biblical faith in Christ was not simply about "believing" but it was about obeying. James said that "Faith without works is dead". He was not talking about the works of baptism, confession or some charity works. He was talking about fulfilling the law. Jesus came to fulfill the law and He demanded the same perfect obedience of the law. The true Biblical faith meant that they kept the law just as Jesus demanded in Matthew 5-7. Jesus commanded that they had to be perfect in heart, word & deed just like God, otherwise they would not enter the kingdom. (Matthew 5:1-48) Matthew 5 "20 For I tell you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, you will certainly not enter the kingdom of heaven………Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect." Jesus commanded that they could only enter the kingdom if they loved God and hated money by selling all their possessions and giving to the poor. (Luke 12, Luke 18). They had to be perfect because the law demanded perfection. Without faith in Christ they were unable to keep the law. But by faith in Christ, they received the power of the Holy Spirit to perfectly keep the law and become exactly like Jesus (2nd Corinthians 3, Romans 8). If we look at the faith today, it is clear that nobody has the same faith of the Bible. Nobody sells their possessions and nobody can keep the law perfectly. Nobody is perfect like Jesus as He demanded. Religion uses the escape clause of confession of sins to avoid that demand. We also say that "we are not perfect but forgiven". But we ignore that Jesus demanded perfection because the law was still in effect until the 2nd coming! Why do we also look at criminals? We are no better than anyone. According to Romans 3, the law condemned all of humanity because nobody was perfect. The only to way to fulfill the law was by faith in Christ that enabled the people to overcome sin and become perfect like Jesus (Romans 13). That was the only way to be saved. It was not about simply believing in Jesus and being a good person by repenting of a few sins. The Biblical faith demanded PERFECTION because the law was required to be fulfilled by the followers of Christ. So then if we compare ourselves to the Biblical standard of faith, then the bad news is that ALL of humanity will miss out on heaven. Nobody deserves to go there and nobody is able to follow Jesus. That's the only logical conclusion of the Bible. We cannot say that a Christian today has the faith to go to heaven when he/she does not meet the Biblical standard of faith. Therefore the only conclusion is that ALL people (unbelievers, non-Christians, criminals, atheists, good and bad people) will miss out on heaven. So then what hope do we have? The truth is that 2nd coming and judgment day ended in 70AD. That is when Jesus removed the law. Romans 4 " because the law brings wrath. And where there is no law there is no transgression." Hebrews 8 "13 By calling this covenant "new," he has made the first one obsolete; and what is obsolete and outdated will soon disappear." Hebrews 10 "Then he said, "Here I am, I have come to do your will." He sets aside the first to establish the second. 10 And by that will, we have been made holy through the sacrifice of the body of Jesus Christ once for all……."This is the covenant I will make with them after that time… "Their sins and lawless acts I will remember no more." Romans 11 " "The deliverer will come from Zion; he will turn godlessness away from Jacob. 27 And this is my covenant with them when I take away their sins."….. For God has bound everyone over to disobedience so that he may have mercy on them ALL." Jesus took away the sins of the world in His 2nd coming in 70AD. How did He do that? By destroying the old covenant (law) that condemned all of humanity. This way He had mercy on ALL. God does not remember man's sins anymore. He made ALL of humanity righteous in Christ. It's already finished and there's nothing anyone can do to stop it. Today we are called to believe that Jesus has already made us righteous. Eventually everyone will accept this truth even after death. When people die then they will see that their works and faith were not good enough to save them but only Jesus saved them. They will see Jesus with their own eyes and believe. It will be just like when Thomas saw Jesus with his own eyes and finally believed saying "My Lord and My God". Every knee will bow and every tongue will confess Jesus as LORD and GOD. Jesus has won the victory for all of humanity. All people are going to heaven. Happy Endings do exist thanks to Daddy God's love in Christ Jesus for ALL !
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