27 May, 2019

Apakah kita sudah diampuni?


Inilah yang Alkitab katakan....


* Kel 23:21, 32:31-35 
* Im 4-6, 19:20-22 
* Bil 15:22-28 
* Ul 29:18-20 
* 2 Taw 6:19-39, 7:14 
* Mat 6:12,14, 18:35 
* Mrk 11:25-26 


* Kis 13:38, 26:18
* Roma 4:7
* 2 Kor 5:18-19
* Ef 1:7
* Kol 1:14, 2:13
* Ibr 9:12,26, 10:10-12
* 1 Yoh 2:12

Sebelum salib Kristus, pengampunan Allah itu tergantung pada kinerja Anda (pertobatan Anda, pengakuan Anda, dan pengampunan Anda kepada orang lain). Tapi sekarang Anda sudah ditebus, sudah diperdamaikan, sudah dibersihkan dan sudah didekatkan [kepada Allah] oleh darah Anak Domba!

"melalui Yesus ini berita tentang pengampunan dosa diberitakan kepadamu." (Kisah 13:38)

God is Love

There is no fear/guilt/pressure/compulsion from God. 
He never tells you to "do/be" anything because He loves you the way you are !!
He loves you no matter who/what you are,
no matter what/why you've done/doing anything!
LOVE keeps no record of our deeds.
LOVE does not remember sins.
God is LOVE. 
He is not the judge who measures faith/works/prayer/etc....
He loves us because He is love. 
It has nothing to do with our efforts.
Daddy God accepts us in all our human flaws because He created us that way. He did not create us as humans and then turn around and judge us for being imperfect !!
Why can't people see this ?? 
A perfect God will never judge imperfect human beings!
He sees us as flawless because we are in Christ and He is flawless.
Jesus is our perfection and righteousness. 
God became a man through Jesus so that He could take away our sins and make us righteous forever!
There is no pressure on us because Daddy God did everything for us in Jesus' finished work 
- this is how much He truly loves us.